Asking for help: Spinal Cord Image Acquisition on United Imaging Platform

Dear all,
Now I want acquire some spinal structural and diffusion images. But the platform we used is United Imaging, whereas almost no advice can be found when gathering quantitative spinal MRI. The sequences were only found on Siemens, Philips or GE platform. Where could I get the right protocol for United Imaging.

Thank you very much!

Hi @wang ,

Thank you for reaching out on the forum. Great question. There is no “official” spine generic protocol for the United Imaging platform yet, so my suggestion would be to create one based of the PDF of the protocol for one of the available vendor, e.g. Siemens (Skyra without 2DRF pulse for diffusion). Based on the hardware and special capabilities of your system (eg: 2DRF pulse, etc.) you could further optimize it.

Once you come up with a protocol that you are happy with, can I please ask you to export the protocol so that we can upload it on the main spine-generic protocol website so it will be useful for other researchers equipped with a United Imaging system.

If you’d like me to review some images, please feel free to send.


Thank you very much for your advice. I will try some adjustments first to see how it works.