I am trying to perform a segmentation using Spinal Cord Toolbox, but I am getting an error message that the automatic detection of the centerline using Optic failed. I am not sure why that is happening, but anyway I wanted to provide the centerline as an argument in order to help the program do the segmentation.
I read about how to do that using FSLView, but I only fave FSLEyes and I don’t know how to create a file with the points for the centerline using FSLEyes.
Can anyone help me with this?
Thank you
Hi @fernandatcosta,
You can use the function sct_get_centerline -method viewer
, which enables you to manually select a few points along the spinal cord, which is then followed by smooth regularization. I just made a video tutorial.
You can then use this centerline for propseg or deepseg.
Note however that if the automatic centerline failed, I am not too optimistic that the segmentation will go well. What kind of contrast are you working with?
Dear Julien,
I tried doing that and I got this error message:
sct_propseg -i A04_crop.nii.gz -c t2 -init-centerline A04_crop_viewer_centerline.nii.gz
Spinal Cord Toolbox (version: 3.2.7)
Running /home/fernanda/sct_3.2.7/scripts/sct_propseg.py -i A04_crop.nii.gz -c t2 -init-centerline A04_crop_viewer_centerline.nii.gz
isct_propseg -t t2 -o ./ -verbose -init-centerline A04_crop_viewer_centerline.nii.gz -i /home/fernanda/Documentos/A04_crop.nii.gz -centerline-binary # in /home/fernanda/Documentos
Exception caught while reading input image
itk::MemoryAllocationError (0x28cae30)
Location: “unknown”
File: /usr/local/itk/include/ITK-4.6/itkImportImageContainer.hxx
Line: 199
Description: Failed to allocate memory for image.
Automatic cord detection failed. Please initialize using -init-centerline or -init-mask (see help).
Sentry is attempting to send 1 pending error messages
Waiting up to 10 seconds
Press Ctrl-C to quit
Note: you can opt out of Sentry reporting by editing the file ${SCT_DIR}/bin/sct_launcher and delete the line starting with “export SENTRY_DSN”
Total processing time: 1 min 37 s
Do you know what is the problem?
looks like a memory issue. Could you copy/paste the output of:
ls /home/fernanda/Documentos/A04_crop.nii.gz
Hi Julien, here is the output:
fernanda@Fernanda:~$ ls /home/fernanda/Documentos/A04_crop.nii.gz sct_check_dependencies
ls: não foi possível acessar ‘sct_check_dependencies’: Arquivo ou diretório inexistente
I’m sorry it is written in portuguese. It says that it was not possible to access sct_check_dependencies because the file or directory does not exist. Did I give the right commands?
it should be two separated commands (and outputs);
ls -la /home/fernanda/Documentos/A04_crop.nii.gz
Here are the outputs:
fernanda@Fernanda:~$ ls -la /home/fernanda/Documentos/A04_crop.nii.gz
-rw-r–r-- 1 fernanda fernanda 244879264 ago 6 08:59 /home/fernanda/Documentos/A04_crop.nii.gz
fernanda@Fernanda:~$ sct_check_dependencies
Spinal Cord Toolbox (version: 3.2.7)
Running /home/fernanda/sct_3.2.7/scripts/sct_check_dependencies.py
SCT info:
- version: 3.2.7
- path: /home/fernanda/sct_3.2.7
OS: linux (Linux-4.15.0-45-generic-x86_64-with-debian-buster-sid)
CPU cores: Available: 4, Used by SCT: 4
RAM: MemTotal: 8024540 kB
total usada livre compart. buff/cache disponível
Mem.: 7836 1392 5248 333 1195 5865
Swap: 2047 0 2047
Check Python executable…[OK]
Using bundled python 2.7.12 |Continuum Analytics, Inc.| (default, Jul 2 2016, 17:42:40)
[GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-1)] at /home/fernanda/sct_3.2.7/python/bin/python
Check if data are installed…[OK]
Check if xlwt (1.0.0) is installed…[OK]
Check if xlutils (1.7.1) is installed…[OK]
Check if cryptography (1.6) is installed…[OK]
Check if scikit-learn (0.17.1) is installed…[OK]
Check if scikit-image (0.12.3) is installed…[OK]
Check if pyqt (4.11.4) is installed…[OK]
Check if psutil (5.2.2) is installed…[OK]
Check if matplotlib (1.5.1) is installed…[OK]
Check if pip (9.0.1) is installed…[OK]
Check if requests (2.12.4) is installed…[OK]
Check if xlrd (0.9.4) is installed…[OK]
Check if pandas (0.18.1) is installed…[OK]
Check if dipy (0.11.0) is installed…[OK]
Check if tqdm (4.11.2) is installed…[OK]
Check if nibabel (2.1.0) is installed…[OK]
Check if Keras (2.0.6) is installed…[OK]
Check if futures (3.2.0) is installed…[OK]
Check if pytest-cov (2.5.1) is installed…[OK]
Check if pytest (3.5.0) is installed…[OK]
Check if nipy (0.4.1) is installed…[OK]
Check if h5py (2.7.0) is installed…[OK]
Check if tensorflow (1.3.0) is installed…[OK]
Check if raven (6.2.1) is installed…[OK]
Check if numpy is installed (1.11.2)…[OK]
Check if scipy is installed (0.18.1)…[OK]
Check if spinalcordtoolbox is installed…[OK]
Check ANTs compatibility with OS …[OK]
Check PropSeg compatibility with OS …[OK]
Check if figure can be opened…QGtkStyle could not resolve GTK. Make sure you have installed the proper libraries.
Total processing time: 0 min 30 s
Hi Fernanda,
Looks like you have enough RAM. Would you mind sending me the data (could be in private message) so I can try to replicate the error on my end?