Error Install SCT 4.2.2

Dear all,

attempting to run SCT on a mac.
I installed Homebrew prior to running the SCT Install
I downloaded SCT, unpacked, created a folder called SCT in applications and this is where I am attempting to run the software from:

  • Welcome to SCT installation *

Checking OS type and version…

Darwin Mihaels-MacBook-Pro.local 17.7.0 Darwin Kernel Version 17.7.0: Sun Dec 1 19:19:56 PST 2019; root:xnu-4570.71.63~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
ProductVersion: 10.13.6

Checking requirements…


ERROR: version.txt not found.

The install_sct script must be executed from the source directory

Installation failed!

Please copy the historic of this Terminal (starting with the command install_sct) and paste it in a new created topic on SCT’s forum:


Hi there @mvaro2002, can you share a screenshot perhaps to go with the quote?

The installer needs to be invoked like this:

cd /Applications/SCT

If you just double click the installer it will probably not do the right thing, unfortunately. A screenshot would help clear up my understanding of how you’re running it.

Also, our installer is not designed to work with /Applications. /Applications is specially protected on OS X by permissions and will give the installer trouble. Our installer is designed to be run from somewhere you your home folder /Users/mvaro2002.

I just had a typo, it all worked, thank you

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