Hello SCT forum -
We are aiming to register our epi data to the standard template using a combo of sct & fsl tools. We need to do this so that we can incorporate the sct outputs into a registration pipeline that can handle FMRI data (FSL).
We generated the template2structural warps using sct_warp_template:
sct_warp_template -d t2.nii.gz -w template2struc_warp.nii.gz -a 1 -s 1
If you try to use the template2struc_warp.nii.gz with the fsltool ~~ applwarp~~ it simply states that the file can’t be read.
Solution 1:
I tried to modify the warp using the following:
sct_image -i struc2template_warp.nii.gz -mcs
And then I used fsltools to remerge the warp files into a 3D file:
fslmerge -t struc2template_warp.nii.gz struc2template_warp_X.nii.gz struc2template_warp_Y.nii.gz struc2template_warp_Z.nii.gz
If I re-run applywarp - I get the same error message.
Solution 2:
If I use the sct_image command to remerge the files (instead of fslmerge) - I get the same error if I use applywarp.
Many thanks in advance,