Failed Windows SCT 5.7 installation

I am trying to intall SCT on my laptop with Windows.

I downloaded and ran Pyton and GIT as instructed, but when attempting to run SCT 5.7 after downloading I get the following message in the Command Prompt:

### Downloading SCT source code (@5.7) to \Users\tjchr\spinalcordtoolbox...
'git' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Failed with error #1.
Press any key to continue . . . 

And then when pressing any key the command window disappears.

Any advice much appreciate.

Thank you

Hi @TJC1983,

Thank you for posting on the forum! I’m sorry to hear that you’re experiencing difficulties, but I’m happy to help here.

To start, could you please try opening your Command Prompt, then navigate to the folder that contains the install script, then run the following command:

git --version && install_sct-5.7_win.bat 

Then, could you share the output?

Thank you kindly,

I’m not sure what transpired, but it somehow worked the second time around.
Thank you and I am glad to be here on the forum!

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I am not sure if the installer is finished. The bottom line says “Runnning install for promise … done.” And there is a blinking line below that. I don’t see it giving me specific instructions to add SCT to PATH. Does it need more time or should I just try to type in ‘sct_check_dependencies’

“1. Once the installer finishes, follow the instructions given at the end of the Command Prompt window, which will instruct you to add SCT to your PATH.
2. Finally, in the Command Prompt window, type sct_check_dependencies and press enter. Make sure that you see a status report containing all “OKs” before continuing.”

Thank you!

I’m glad to hear that your git-related issues have resolved themselves!

“Runnning install for promise … done.”

Just to double-check, do you mean “protobuf” instead of “promise”, by chance? (I ask because SCT doesn’t depend on any packages called “promise”, but it does use a package called “protobuf”.)

Does it need more time or should I just try to type in ‘sct_check_dependencies’

The step that you describe isn’t the end of the installer. When the installer finishes, you should instead see something like:

It’s quite strange that the installer has frozen on the step that you describe. Normally each step shouldn’t take too long; I would suggest anywhere from 3-5 minutes in total for the whole installation, depending on your hardware.

So, if it continues to stay frozen for some time, I would suggest cancelling the installation (Using “Ctrl + C”), then retrying the installation. It might just be a one-time glitch of some sort. :thinking:

Kind regards,