I’m using the SCT for data processing (on cervical spinal cord) and I would like to know, please, if the following organisation is the right one to respect BIDS convention ?
Thank you so much for your valuable help.
I used the tool bids-validator (which is very fast and simple indeed!) and I’ve been curious to try pybids too, with the BidsValidator class and Jupyter Notebook. Therefore, I found an organisation in compliance with BIDS convention for my dataset :
In my file names (nii.gz), I haven’t found a solution to keep “F1988 MPRAGE” and “M1982 MPRAGE” (that we can see on the image of my first post). Do you confirm there is no solution to add them in file names?
I’m presuming that the first term (“F1998”) refers to sex and birth year of the subject? If so, you may want to consider moving this metadata into a Participants file for the dataset.
Indeed, the first term “F1998” refers to sex and birth year, so I think I’m going to implement a participants file for the dataset.
I’ve just added “_acq-mprage” before the “_T1w” suffix in the file names, and the bids-validator tool has validated my BIDS dataset. So thank you very much for your help !