How to register the white matter atlas to the subject?

Dear all
How to register the white matter atlas to the subject?
just like this picture?

Using the function sct_warp_template. Everything is explained in the SCT course and in the Getting Started section.

Hi jcohenadad
I can’t find the specific code in dmri, can you tell me the specific code?

This is the specific code:

# Warp template and white matter atlas
sct_warp_template -d dmri_crop_moco_dwi_mean.nii.gz -w warp_template2dmri.nii.gz -qc "$SCT_BP_QC_FOLDER"

But you need to understand well the code before that syntax (ie segmentation, registration to template, etc.), otherwise this line of code will not be completed successfully. Hence my suggestion to take the necessary time to follow the SCT course, so that you would be able to understand well the different steps involved in an analysis pipeline.