When I warp the template to the native space, the PAM50 atlas seems different from the DWI images and segmentation mask. I think that this mismatch between PAM50 and the DWI images is affecting the statistics (sct_extract_metrics).
I used sct-4.3.
Image registration is completely image-dependent and should be resolved on a case-by-case basis (image resolution, contrast, noise, artefacts, etc.). So it is impossible for us to help without seeing the images. Would you be able to share them?
Here I attached the images of 2 subjects: the Mean Diffusivity, the mask of the DWI segmentation, and the dmri_labels.
With these images I run the sct_register_to_template. If you need more data let me know. Thanks in advance.
Given that the cord segmentation is slightly larger than the cord itself (oversegmentation), I would only rely on the cord segmentation to do the cord alignment and get its orientation (rotatino) on a slice-by-slice basis. Then, I would switch to the image-based registration. Given the relatively small appearance of the cord compared to the PAM50 template, I would increase slightly the number of iterations (but not too much, given that the SyN algorithm is poorly regularized). I find that the following configuration works pretty well:
Thanks for your work. The registration is obviously improved. However, when I run the sct_warp_template, with the -w warp_template2anat obtained from your script, I obtain the PAM50 atlas with a different field of view (or orientation), as informed fsleyes. I tried to use a different mask, but the results were similar. The template2anat.nii was correct, but the problem appears when I run the sct_warp_template.
These patients have severe atrophy in the spinal cord; that’s why it seems small compared to the template.
I do not know if this mismatch could affect the results when I extract the metrics for each label and each WM atlas pathway
As I told you, the template2anat.nii do not seems to show this problem, however when I apply the warp_template2dmri.nii.gz appear this message. It could be a problem to extract the dwi-related metrics?
why are you using …/warp_template2dmri.nii.gz considering that the transformation to bring the PAM50 to the DWI space is warp_template2anat?
also, it is not clear to me how the file …/warp_template2dmri.nii.gz was generated.
In order for me to reproduce your error, can you please write exactly all the commands that you ran. I should be able to do a copy/paste of your commands and observe your results.
I don’t see any file called “PARESP_00003__003_WholeSpine_Mask2.nii.gz” in the files you shared. To make sure you and I are testing your code on the same data, could you please zip all the necessary files into a single zip package and upload it here. thanks
path: /home/jnavas/sct_5.1.0
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CPU cores: Available: 8, Used by ITK functions: 8
RAM: Total: 31993MB, Used: 824MB, Available: 30659MB
Check Python executable…[OK]
Using bundled python 3.6.12 |Anaconda, Inc.| (default, Sep 8 2020, 23:10:56)
[GCC 7.3.0] at /home/jnavas/sct_5.1.0/python/envs/venv_sct/bin/python
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@Javier_Navas ah! I found out what the problem was! My FSLeyes version (0.31) was older than yours (0.34.2), and it did not show the “Displaying images with different orientations/fields of view” message.
I have upgraded FSLeyes to 0.34.2 and I confirm that I do see this message. Investigating further, I do notice a discrepancy between the input image and the template for the qform/sform:
Now, the good news is that this is not an issue for SCT pipelines, which relies on the qform only. So you can go ahead with your analyses. However, I do agree that we should ensure the sform is preserved. An issue has now been opened and we will fix it with high priority.