Issues related to the installation of the version 6.5 for Windows

Excuse me,Once the installer finishes, follow the instructions given at the end of the Command Prompt window.

  1. Open the Start Menu → Type ‘edit environment’ → Open ‘Edit environment variables for your account’
  2. Click ‘New’, then enter ‘SCT_DIR’ for the variable name. For the value, copy and paste this directory:
  3. Click ‘OK’, then click on the ‘Path’ variable, then click the ‘Edit…’ button.
  4. Click ‘New’, then copy and paste this directory:
  5. Click ‘OK’ three times. You can now access SCT’s scripts in the Command Prompt.
    After the installation is finished,where is the “Open the Start Menu → Type ‘edit environment’ ”?Where should I open the program from ?

Dear @NovZ,

SCT is a “command line interface” (CLI) program. Meaning, you can open the program called “Command Prompt”:


Then type in various SCT commands to process your data.

The above instructions are what enable SCT’s commands to be run using “Command Prompt”. Without these instructions, you would get a “command not found” error.

If you have never used Command Prompt or command line programs before, then I recommend this brief guide: It will help you navigate around the files and folders on your system, so that you can run SCT in the right folder.

I hope this helps. If our installation instructions were unclear, then I can add this information to the installation page to help future users.

Kind regards,