Excuse me,Once the installer finishes, follow the instructions given at the end of the Command Prompt window.
Open the Start Menu → Type ‘edit environment’ → Open ‘Edit environment variables for your account’
Click ‘New’, then enter ‘SCT_DIR’ for the variable name. For the value, copy and paste this directory:
Click ‘OK’, then click on the ‘Path’ variable, then click the ‘Edit…’ button.
Click ‘New’, then copy and paste this directory:
Click ‘OK’ three times. You can now access SCT’s scripts in the Command Prompt.
After the installation is finished,where is the “Open the Start Menu → Type ‘edit environment’ ”?Where should I open the program from ?
SCT is a “command line interface” (CLI) program. Meaning, you can open the program called “Command Prompt”:
Then type in various SCT commands to process your data.
The above instructions are what enable SCT’s commands to be run using “Command Prompt”. Without these instructions, you would get a “command not found” error.
If you have never used Command Prompt or command line programs before, then I recommend this brief guide: https://www.cs.princeton.edu/courses/archive/spr05/cos126/cmd-prompt.html. It will help you navigate around the files and folders on your system, so that you can run SCT in the right folder.
I hope this helps. If our installation instructions were unclear, then I can add this information to the installation page to help future users.