Hello Julien,
Attached you will find the image which we are having problems with. After checking the forum, we believe that this has not been posted yet.
The segmentation runs perfectly and also the deepseg_lesion
Desktop/SCT_DR/Exemples/Lesions_Patients/121064/T2w$ sct_label_vertebrae -i 121064_Compo_t2_sag.nii -s 121064_Compo_t2_sag_seg.nii -c t2
Spinal Cord Toolbox (dev)
Create temporary folder (/tmp/sct-20191008081948.218769-label_vertebrae-mbev8qkl)...
Copying input data to tmp folder...
Straighten spinal cord...
Create temporary folder (/tmp/sct-20191008081948.324462-straighten_spinalcord-1sgcm6xx)...
Copy files to tmp folder...
Window length needs to be >= 3. Returning input signal.
Window length needs to be >= 3. Returning input signal.
Fitting centerline using B-spline approximation
Error on approximation = 374.1 mm
Error on approximation = 52.09 mm
Error on approximation = 97.01 mm
Error on approximation = 40.42 mm
Error on approximation = 20.31 mm
Error on approximation = 12.84 mm
Error on approximation = 12.87 mm
Error on approximation = 11.29 mm
Error on approximation = 9.34 mm
Error on approximation = 9.81 mm
Error on approximation = 10.13 mm
Error on approximation = 6.21 mm
Error on approximation = 3.67 mm
Error on approximation = 3.77 mm
Error on approximation = 5.04 mm
Error on approximation = 4.46 mm
Error on approximation = 2.85 mm
Error on approximation = 2.31 mm
Error on approximation = 2.19 mm
Error on approximation = 1.78 mm
Error on approximation = 1.9 mm
Error on approximation = 2.3 mm
Error on approximation = 1.89 mm
Error on approximation = 1.26 mm
Error on approximation = 1.43 mm
Error on approximation = 1.65 mm
Error on approximation = 1.16 mm
Error on approximation = 0.92 mm
Error on approximation = 1.04 mm
Error on approximation = 1.14 mm
Error on approximation = 0.99 mm
Error on approximation = 1.05 mm
Error on approximation = 1.17 mm
Error on approximation = 0.91 mm
Error on approximation = 0.62 mm
Error on approximation = 0.75 mm
Error on approximation = 1.1 mm
Error on approximation = 0.78 mm
Error on approximation = 0.71 mm
Error on approximation = 0.92 mm
Error on approximation = 0.94 mm
Error on approximation = 0.86 mm
Error on approximation = 0.6 mm
Error on approximation = 0.51 mm
Error on approximation = 0.67 mm
Error on approximation = 0.51 mm
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/extop/sct_dev/scripts/sct_label_vertebrae.py", line 427, in <module>
File "/home/extop/sct_dev/scripts/sct_label_vertebrae.py", line 260, in main
'-v', str(verbose),
File "/home/extop/sct_dev/scripts/sct_straighten_spinalcord.py", line 272, in main
fname_straight = sc_straight.straighten()
File "/home/extop/sct_dev/spinalcordtoolbox/straightening.py", line 152, in straighten
centerline = _get_centerline(img_ctl, self.param_centerline, verbose)
File "/home/extop/sct_dev/spinalcordtoolbox/straightening.py", line 625, in _get_centerline
_, arr_ctl, arr_ctl_der, _ = get_centerline(img, param_centerline, verbose=verbose)
File "/home/extop/sct_dev/spinalcordtoolbox/centerline/core.py", line 173, in get_centerline
z_ref] = 1
IndexError: shape mismatch: indexing arrays could not be broadcast together with shapes (616,) (616,) (617,)
121064_Compo_t2_sag.nii.gz (3.7 MB)