I tried to use a semi-auto centerline detection using the dev version and run into issues with qt.qpa.plugin. Any idea to how to fix the issue? Please see below:
qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin “xcb” in “” even though it was found.
This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
Please see below for the output. I was not using SCT via an ssh connection. I used it on a server through remote desktop.
Spinal Cord Toolbox (dev)
SCT info:
version: dev
path: /N/project/wulab/software/sct-dev-aug-29-2020
OS: linux (Linux-3.10.0-1127.18.2.el7.x86_64-x86_64-with-redhat-7.8-Maipo)
CPU cores: Available: 48, Used by SCT: 48
RAM: MemTotal: 263434124 kB
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 257259 30862 197262 14254 29135 211279
Swap: 0 0 0
Check Python executable…[OK]
Using bundled python 3.6.10 |Anaconda, Inc.| (default, May 8 2020, 02:54:21)
[GCC 7.3.0] at /N/project/wulab/software/sct-dev-aug-29-2020/python/envs/venv_sct/bin/python
Check if data are installed…[OK]
Check if colored is installed…[OK] (1.4.2)
Check if dipy is installed…[OK] (1.1.1)
Check if futures is installed…[OK]
Check if h5py is installed…[OK] (2.10.0)
Check if ivadomed (2.0.2) is installed…[OK] (2.0.2)
Check if Keras (2.1.5) is installed…[OK] (2.1.5)
Check if matplotlib is installed…[OK] (3.3.1)
Check if nibabel is installed…[OK] (3.1.1)
Check if numpy is installed…[OK] (1.19.1)
Check if pandas is installed…[OK] (1.1.1)
Check if psutil is installed…[OK] (5.7.2)
Check if pyqt5 (5.11.3) is installed…[OK] (5.11.3)
Check if pytest is installed…[OK] (6.0.1)
Check if pytest-cov is installed…[OK] (version = ‘2.10.1’)
Check if raven is installed…[OK]
Check if requests is installed…[OK] (2.24.0)
Check if requirements-parser is installed…[OK] (0.2.0)
Check if scipy is installed…[OK] (1.5.2)
Check if scikit-image is installed…[OK] (0.17.2)
Check if scikit-learn is installed…[OK] (0.23.2)
Check if tensorflow (1.5.0) is installed…[OK] (1.5.0)
Check if torch (1.5.0+cpu) is installed…[OK] (1.5.0+cpu)
Check if torchvision (0.6.0+cpu) is installed…[OK] (0.6.0+cpu)
Check if xlwt is installed…[OK] (1.3.0)
Check if tqdm is installed…[OK] (4.48.2)
Check if transforms3d is installed…[OK] (0.3.1)
Check if urllib3 is installed…[OK] (1.25.10)
Check if spinalcordtoolbox is installed…[OK]
Check ANTs compatibility with OS …[OK]
Check PropSeg compatibility with OS …[OK]
Check if DISPLAY variable is set…[OK]
Check if figure can be opened with PyQt…qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin “xcb” in “” even though it was found.
This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
And was successfully resolved by reinstalling libxcb with sudo pacman -S libxcb
If you’re comfortable reinstalling the library, can you give that a shot. You can check if it worked either by running your original command or sct_check_dependencies, you shouldn’t get that "qt.qpa.plugin" message at the bottom.
HI Julien,I insatll SCT in win10 using WSL2, it is succefully work.
One problem I met is same to xiaowen95.
I re-install the QT in ubuntu, that solve the problem.