Quick sanity check: rigid body registration

Dear Forum

I want to make sure I am not doing something stupid here. I want to only do a 2D rigid body coregistration. SCT version 4+, pulled from git some time ago:

My snytax is:
sct_register_multimodal -i input.nii -d destination.nii -param step=1,algo=rigid,type=im,metric=MI,slicewise=0

However, when I run this, there is a proceeding zeroth step with the following parameters:
Registration parameters:

type … im
algo … syn
slicewise … 0
metric … MeanSquares
iter … 10
smooth … 0
laplacian … 0
shrink … 1
gradStep … 0.5
deformation … 1x1x0
init …
poly … 5
dof … Tx_Ty_Tz_Rx_Ry_Rz
smoothWarpXY … 2
rot_method … pca

Is this WAD? How can I force SCT to only do a “bad” coregistration?

Hi @Daniel_Papp,

This is strange, STEP #0 should show the following instead (iter=0, meaning that the only transformation is a coordinate system transformation based on the qform):

Registration parameters:
  type ........... im
  algo ........... syn
  slicewise ...... 0
  metric ......... MI
  iter ........... 0
  smooth ......... 0
  laplacian ...... 0
  shrink ......... 1
  gradStep ....... 0.5
  deformation .... 1x1x0
  init ........... 
  poly ........... 5
  filter_size .... 5
  dof ............ Tx_Ty_Tz_Rx_Ry_Rz
  smoothWarpXY ... 2
  rot_method ..... pca

Can you please copy/paste everything so i can check SCT’s version and other things?

(base) f140:aaa dpapp$ sct_register_multimodal -i sF3T_2013_40_602-155559-00001-00001-1.nii -d medic.nii -param step=1,algo=rigid,type=im,metric=MI,slicewise=0

Spinal Cord Toolbox (git-master-6f50fd8e917e8e255a0004daa1966c4a1fec49bf*)

Input parameters:
  Source .............. sF3T_2013_40_602-155559-00001-00001-1.nii
  Destination ......... medic.nii
  Init transfo ........ 
  Mask ................ 
  Output name ......... 
  Remove temp files ... 1
  Verbose ............. 1

Check if input data are 3D...

Create temporary folder (/var/folders/ff/px4nh9y56fb6kxfmwdks37bc0000gr/T/sct-20191218163606.183500-kuo1i843)...

Copying input data to tmp folder and convert to nii...

Registration parameters:
  type ........... im
  algo ........... syn
  slicewise ...... 0
  metric ......... MI
  iter ........... 0
  smooth ......... 0
  laplacian ...... 0
  shrink ......... 1
  gradStep ....... 0.5
  deformation .... 1x1x0
  init ........... 
  poly ........... 5
  dof ............ Tx_Ty_Tz_Rx_Ry_Rz
  smoothWarpXY ... 2
  rot_method ... pca

Estimate transformation
/Users/dpapp/sct/bin/isct_antsRegistration --dimensionality 3 --transform 'syn[0.5,3,0]' --metric 'MI[dest_RPI.nii,src.nii,1,32]' --convergence 0 --shrink-factors 1 --smoothing-sigmas 0mm --restrict-deformation 1x1x0 --output '[step0,src_regStep0.nii]' --interpolation 'BSpline[3]' --verbose 1 # in /private/var/folders/ff/px4nh9y56fb6kxfmwdks37bc0000gr/T/sct-20191218163606.183500-kuo1i843


Apply transformation from previous step

Parse list of warping fields...

Get dimensions of data...
  232 x 288 x 18 x 1

Apply transformation...
/Users/dpapp/sct/bin/isct_antsApplyTransforms -d 3 -i src.nii -o src_reg.nii -t warp_forward_0.nii.gz -r dest_RPI.nii -n 'BSpline[3]' # in /private/var/folders/ff/px4nh9y56fb6kxfmwdks37bc0000gr/T/sct-20191218163606.183500-kuo1i843
Copy affine matrix from destination space to make sure qform/sform are the same.

Done! To view results, type:
fsleyes dest_RPI.nii src_reg.nii &

Registration parameters:
  type ........... im
  algo ........... rigid
  slicewise ...... 0
  metric ......... MI
  iter ........... 10
  smooth ......... 0
  laplacian ...... 0
  shrink ......... 1
  gradStep ....... 0.5
  deformation .... 1x1x0
  init ........... 
  poly ........... 5
  dof ............ Tx_Ty_Tz_Rx_Ry_Rz
  smoothWarpXY ... 2
  rot_method ... pca
sct_image -i dest_RPI.nii -o dest_RPI_pad.nii -pad 0,0,5 # in /private/var/folders/ff/px4nh9y56fb6kxfmwdks37bc0000gr/T/sct-20191218163606.183500-kuo1i843

Estimate transformation
/Users/dpapp/sct/bin/isct_antsRegistration --dimensionality 3 --transform 'rigid[0.5]' --metric 'MI[dest_RPI_pad.nii,src_reg.nii,1,32]' --convergence 10 --shrink-factors 1 --smoothing-sigmas 0mm --restrict-deformation 1x1x0 --output '[step1,src_reg_regStep1.nii]' --interpolation 'BSpline[3]' --verbose 1 # in /private/var/folders/ff/px4nh9y56fb6kxfmwdks37bc0000gr/T/sct-20191218163606.183500-kuo1i843

Concatenate transformations...

Parse list of warping fields...

Check file existence...
  OK: dest.nii
  OK: warp_forward_0.nii.gz
  OK: warp_forward_1.mat
/Users/dpapp/sct/bin/isct_ComposeMultiTransform 3 warp_final.nii.gz -R dest.nii warp_forward_1.mat warp_forward_0.nii.gz # in /private/var/folders/ff/px4nh9y56fb6kxfmwdks37bc0000gr/T/sct-20191218163606.183500-kuo1i843

Generate output files...
  File created: warp_src2dest.nii.gz

Parse list of warping fields...

Check file existence...
  OK: src.nii
  OK: warp_forward_1.mat
  OK: warp_inverse_0.nii.gz
/Users/dpapp/sct/bin/isct_ComposeMultiTransform 3 warp_final.nii.gz -R src.nii warp_inverse_0.nii.gz -i warp_forward_1.mat # in /private/var/folders/ff/px4nh9y56fb6kxfmwdks37bc0000gr/T/sct-20191218163606.183500-kuo1i843

Generate output files...
  File created: warp_dest2src.nii.gz

Apply transfo source --> dest...

Parse list of warping fields...

Get dimensions of data...
  232 x 288 x 18 x 1

Apply transformation...
/Users/dpapp/sct/bin/isct_antsApplyTransforms -d 3 -i src.nii -o src_reg.nii -t warp_src2dest.nii.gz -r dest.nii -n Linear # in /private/var/folders/ff/px4nh9y56fb6kxfmwdks37bc0000gr/T/sct-20191218163606.183500-kuo1i843
Copy affine matrix from destination space to make sure qform/sform are the same.

Done! To view results, type:
fsleyes dest.nii src_reg.nii &

Apply transfo dest --> source...

Parse list of warping fields...

Get dimensions of data...
  384 x 384 x 18 x 1

Apply transformation...
/Users/dpapp/sct/bin/isct_antsApplyTransforms -d 3 -i dest.nii -o dest_reg.nii -t warp_dest2src.nii.gz -r src.nii -n Linear # in /private/var/folders/ff/px4nh9y56fb6kxfmwdks37bc0000gr/T/sct-20191218163606.183500-kuo1i843
Copy affine matrix from destination space to make sure qform/sform are the same.

Done! To view results, type:
fsleyes src.nii dest_reg.nii &

Generate output files...
  WARNING: File sF3T_2013_40_602-155559-00001-00001-1_reg.nii already exists. Deleting it...
  File created: sF3T_2013_40_602-155559-00001-00001-1_reg.nii
  WARNING: File warp_sF3T_2013_40_602-155559-00001-00001-12medic.nii.gz already exists. Deleting it...
  File created: warp_sF3T_2013_40_602-155559-00001-00001-12medic.nii.gz
  WARNING: File medic_reg.nii already exists. Deleting it...
  File created: medic_reg.nii
  WARNING: File warp_medic2sF3T_2013_40_602-155559-00001-00001-1.nii.gz already exists. Deleting it...
  File created: warp_medic2sF3T_2013_40_602-155559-00001-00001-1.nii.gz

Remove temporary files...
rm -rf /var/folders/ff/px4nh9y56fb6kxfmwdks37bc0000gr/T/sct-20191218163606.183500-kuo1i843

Finished! Elapsed time: 80s

Done! To view results, type:
fsleyes sF3T_2013_40_602-155559-00001-00001-1.nii medic_reg.nii &

Done! To view results, type:
fsleyes medic.nii sF3T_2013_40_602-155559-00001-00001-1_reg.nii &

all good! it says " iter … 0" on STEP #0, meaning that the syn algo is effectively not used. I know the verbose can be confusing though…