Registration Lumbar fMRI to anat

Hi, I am struggling with registering the mean fMRI image (mfmri_st_corr_mean.nii.gz) to the anatomical of the lumbar spinal cord particularly for one subject.
I generally used the following command (that has worked pretty fine so far):

sct_register_multimodal -i ../mfmri_st_corr_mean.nii.gz -d ../../anat/t2.nii.gz -iseg ../Segmentation/mask_sco.nii.gz -dseg ../../anat/t2_seg.nii.gz -param step=1,type=seg,algo=slicereg,metric=MeanSquares:step=2,type=seg,algo=affine,metric=MeanSquares,gradStep=0.2:step=3,type=im,algo=syn,metric=CC,iter=5,shrink=2;

I also substituted step 1 or 3 with the newest DL algo but getting still very deformed images (video 1).

So I changed the metrics and so far I managed to get good results with MI instead of MeanSquares. However, the cord is shifted in the cross-section (X-Y plane) as shown in the second video.

So I also added an additional step 4 with the translation algorithm but was not able to get a good enough registration. I am not sure why this is the case specifically for this subject.

Here the data.
Thank you so much in advance for any insight on this!

Hi @iricchi,

Thank you so much for your question, and for providing great detail (commands run, data). It makes things much easier to troubleshoot, so we very much appreciate it. :slight_smile:

Just to add some additional details summarizing the current issue:

Input data screenshots

t2.nii.gz (with contrast adjusted in viewer):


I was able to reproduce the issues you describe using the command you provided (I substituted the file paths so that they would be flat, for use with the files provided in the drive link):

# -param was rearranged for visual clarity
sct_register_multimodal -i mfmri_st_corr_mean.nii.gz \
                        -d t2.nii.gz \
                        -iseg mask_sco.nii.gz \
                        -dseg t2_seg.nii.gz \
                        -param step=1,type=seg,algo=slicereg,metric=MeanSquares:
                        -ofolder test
Full output log
Spinal Cord Toolbox (git-master-069fe79472f3e7a664e0e38c4f123b149814aa59)

sct_register_multimodal -i mfmri_st_corr_mean.nii.gz -d t2.nii.gz -iseg mask_sco.nii.gz -dseg t2_seg.nii.gz -param step=1,type=seg,algo=slicereg,metric=MeanSquares:step=2,type=seg,algo=affine,metric=MeanSquares,gradStep=0.2:step=3,type=im,algo=syn,metric=CC,iter=5,shrink=2

Input parameters:
  Source .............. mfmri_st_corr_mean.nii.gz (144, 44, 27)
  Destination ......... t2.nii.gz (64, 640, 640)
  Init transfo ........ 
  Mask ................ 
  Output name ......... 
  Remove temp files ... 1
  Verbose ............. 1

Check if input data are 3D...
Creating temporary folder (/tmp/sct_2024-05-06_12-05-27_register-wrapper_0m19r2fk)

Copying input data to tmp folder and convert to nii...

Registration parameters:
  type ........... im
  algo ........... syn
  slicewise ...... 0
  metric ......... MI
  samplStrategy .. None
  samplPercent ... 0.2
  iter ........... 0
  smooth ......... 0
  laplacian ...... 0
  shrink ......... 1
  gradStep ....... 0.5
  deformation .... 1x1x0
  init ........... 
  poly ........... 5
  filter_size .... 5
  dof ............ Tx_Ty_Tz_Rx_Ry_Rz
  smoothWarpXY ... 2
  rot_method ..... pca

Estimate transformation
/home/joshua/repos/spinalcordtoolbox/bin/isct_antsRegistration --dimensionality 3 --transform 'syn[0.5,3,0]' --metric 'MI[dest_RPI.nii,src.nii,1,32]' --convergence 0 --shrink-factors 1 --smoothing-sigmas 0mm --restrict-deformation 1x1x0 --output '[step0,src_regStep0.nii]' --interpolation 'BSpline[3]' --verbose 1 # in /tmp/sct_2024-05-06_12-05-27_register-wrapper_0m19r2fk


Apply transformation from previous step
/home/joshua/repos/spinalcordtoolbox/bin/isct_antsApplyTransforms -d 3 -i src_seg.nii -o src_seg_reg.nii -t warp_forward_0.nii.gz -r dest_seg_RPI.nii -n NearestNeighbor # in /tmp/sct_2024-05-06_12-05-27_register-wrapper_0m19r2fk
Registration parameters:
  type ........... seg
  algo ........... slicereg
  slicewise ...... 0
  metric ......... MeanSquares
  samplStrategy .. None
  samplPercent ... 0.2
  iter ........... 10
  smooth ......... 0
  laplacian ...... 0
  shrink ......... 1
  gradStep ....... 0.5
  deformation .... 1x1x0
  init ........... 
  poly ........... 5
  filter_size .... 5
  dof ............ Tx_Ty_Tz_Rx_Ry_Rz
  smoothWarpXY ... 2
  rot_method ..... pca
/home/joshua/repos/spinalcordtoolbox/bin/isct_antsSliceRegularizedRegistration -t 'Translation[0.5]' -m 'MeanSquares[dest_seg_RPI_crop.nii,src_seg_reg_crop.nii,1,4,None,0.2]' -p 5 -i 10 -f 1 -s 0 -v 1 -o '[step1,src_seg_reg_crop_regStep1.nii]' # in /tmp/sct_2024-05-06_12-05-27_register-wrapper_0m19r2fk


Apply transformation from previous step
/home/joshua/repos/spinalcordtoolbox/bin/isct_antsApplyTransforms -d 3 -i src_seg.nii -o src_seg_reg.nii -t warp_forward_1.nii.gz warp_forward_0.nii.gz -r dest_seg_RPI.nii -n NearestNeighbor # in /tmp/sct_2024-05-06_12-05-27_register-wrapper_0m19r2fk
Registration parameters:
  type ........... seg
  algo ........... affine
  slicewise ...... 0
  metric ......... MeanSquares
  samplStrategy .. None
  samplPercent ... 0.2
  iter ........... 10
  smooth ......... 0
  laplacian ...... 0
  shrink ......... 1
  gradStep ....... 0.2
  deformation .... 1x1x0
  init ........... 
  poly ........... 5
  filter_size .... 5
  dof ............ Tx_Ty_Tz_Rx_Ry_Rz
  smoothWarpXY ... 2
  rot_method ..... pca

Estimate transformation
/home/joshua/repos/spinalcordtoolbox/bin/isct_antsRegistration --dimensionality 3 --transform 'affine[0.2]' --metric 'MeanSquares[dest_seg_RPI_pad.nii,src_seg_reg.nii,1,4]' --convergence 10 --shrink-factors 1 --smoothing-sigmas 0mm --restrict-deformation 1x1x0 --output '[step2,src_seg_reg_regStep2.nii]' --interpolation 'BSpline[3]' --verbose 1 # in /tmp/sct_2024-05-06_12-05-27_register-wrapper_0m19r2fk


Apply transformation from previous step
/home/joshua/repos/spinalcordtoolbox/bin/isct_antsApplyTransforms -d 3 -i src.nii -o src_reg.nii -t warp_forward_2.mat warp_forward_1.nii.gz warp_forward_0.nii.gz -r dest_RPI.nii -n 'BSpline[3]' # in /tmp/sct_2024-05-06_12-05-27_register-wrapper_0m19r2fk
Registration parameters:
  type ........... im
  algo ........... syn
  slicewise ...... 0
  metric ......... CC
  samplStrategy .. None
  samplPercent ... 0.2
  iter ........... 5
  smooth ......... 0
  laplacian ...... 0
  shrink ......... 2
  gradStep ....... 0.5
  deformation .... 1x1x0
  init ........... 
  poly ........... 5
  filter_size .... 5
  dof ............ Tx_Ty_Tz_Rx_Ry_Rz
  smoothWarpXY ... 2
  rot_method ..... pca

Estimate transformation
/home/joshua/repos/spinalcordtoolbox/bin/isct_antsRegistration --dimensionality 3 --transform 'syn[0.5,3,0]' --metric 'CC[dest_RPI_pad.nii,src_reg.nii,1,4]' --convergence 5 --shrink-factors 2 --smoothing-sigmas 0mm --restrict-deformation 1x1x0 --output '[step3,src_reg_regStep3.nii]' --interpolation 'BSpline[3]' --verbose 1 # in /tmp/sct_2024-05-06_12-05-27_register-wrapper_0m19r2fk

Concatenate transformations...
/home/joshua/repos/spinalcordtoolbox/bin/isct_ComposeMultiTransform 3 warp_src2dest.nii.gz -R dest.nii warp_forward_3.nii.gz warp_forward_2.mat warp_forward_1.nii.gz warp_forward_0.nii.gz # in /tmp/sct_2024-05-06_12-05-27_register-wrapper_0m19r2fk
/home/joshua/repos/spinalcordtoolbox/bin/isct_ComposeMultiTransform 3 warp_dest2src.nii.gz -R src.nii -i warp_forward_2.mat warp_inverse_0.nii.gz warp_inverse_1.nii.gz warp_inverse_3.nii.gz # in /tmp/sct_2024-05-06_12-05-27_register-wrapper_0m19r2fk

Apply transfo source --> dest...
/home/joshua/repos/spinalcordtoolbox/bin/isct_antsApplyTransforms -d 3 -i src.nii -o src_reg.nii -t warp_src2dest.nii.gz -r dest.nii -n Linear # in /tmp/sct_2024-05-06_12-05-27_register-wrapper_0m19r2fk

Apply transfo dest --> source...
/home/joshua/repos/spinalcordtoolbox/bin/isct_antsApplyTransforms -d 3 -i dest.nii -o dest_reg.nii -t warp_dest2src.nii.gz -r src.nii -n Linear # in /tmp/sct_2024-05-06_12-05-27_register-wrapper_0m19r2fk

Generate output files...
File created: mfmri_st_corr_mean_reg.nii.gz
mv /tmp/sct_2024-05-06_12-05-27_register-wrapper_0m19r2fk/warp_src2dest.nii.gz warp_mfmri_st_corr_mean2t2.nii.gz
File created: warp_mfmri_st_corr_mean2t2.nii.gz
File created: t2_reg.nii.gz
mv /tmp/sct_2024-05-06_12-05-27_register-wrapper_0m19r2fk/warp_dest2src.nii.gz warp_t22mfmri_st_corr_mean.nii.gz
File created: warp_t22mfmri_st_corr_mean.nii.gz

Remove temporary files...
rm -rf /tmp/sct_2024-05-06_12-05-27_register-wrapper_0m19r2fk

Finished! Elapsed time: 1668s

Done! To view results, type:
fsleyes mfmri_st_corr_mean.nii.gz t2_reg.nii.gz &

Done! To view results, type:
fsleyes t2.nii.gz mfmri_st_corr_mean_reg.nii.gz &

Note for @jcohenadad: This command took quite a long time on my laptop (almost 30 minutes), with most of the time spent on Step 3, likely due to metric=CC (which is known to take quite a bit of time). I’m mentioning this ahead of time so that we can appropriately plan for testing other commands.

I am not sure why this is the case specifically for this subject.

Given that your command has been working well for you for other subjects, could you possibly share the data for one of the subjects where there are no issues? (It might help us to compare the input data to see if there are any important differences with this subject in particular.)

Kind regards,

Sure, I have added a folder in the same link with an example of a good output “mfmri_st_corr_mean_reg” which is the mean fmri registered to the anatomical t2! :slight_smile:

1 Like

Thank you so much! :slight_smile:

Comparison between registration results (Good Subject vs. Bad Subject)

The good news is, the images (t2, mean fMRI image, mask) seem to be nearly identical in terms of metadata:

  • Dimensions + Resolutions
  • Orientations
  • Affine matrices (qform/sform)

The only detail that stood out to me at first glance is the length of the spinal cord segmentation relative to the discs. The “Good Subject” (left) has plenty of space under the posterior tip of the cord segmentation, while the “Bad Subject” (right) has a cord segmentation that extends right to the edge of the image:

To try to isolate the problematic registration step, I wanted to try registration removing one step at a time (e.g. “just step 1 and step 2” and then “just step 1”, etc.)

Removing step 3 (type=im,algo=syn,metric=CC), I get the exact same issues. Removing step 2 (type=seg,algo=affine,metric=MeanSquares) in addition to step 3 gives very similar results, too. So, this suggests to me that the issue is present even before step 2 or step 3:

.gif comparison, with and without Step 2+3


I then manually checked the output after step 0 (the built-in step) but before step 1, and it seemed much better, albeit not yet fully aligned:

Screenshot, Step 0 only

This leads me to believe that Step 1 is causing the distortion. So, I tried to modify Step 1 to try to isolate which parameter is the cause. The first thing I tried was replacing algo=slicereg with a very basic transformation (algo=translation), and it looks like things are MUCH better :tada:

sct_register_multimodal -i mfmri_st_corr_mean.nii.gz -d t2.nii.gz -iseg mask_sco.nii.gz -dseg t2_seg.nii.gz -param step=1,type=seg,algo=translation,metric=MeanSquares

So, I think a starting point would be to avoid algo=slicereg for step=1 for this subject? (My theory is that maybe the “z regularization” part of slicereg is what is causing the issue.) But, I’m not quite sure which algorithm would be best as a replacement for this initial “coarse alignment” step instead of slicereg. (Maybe translation, but maybe rigid, maybe affine?) :thinking:

(You should be able to keep the “fine-tuning steps” (2+3) after modifying the “coarse alignment” Step 1.)

Perhaps @jcohenadad could provide further feedback for registration commands. :slight_smile:

Kind regards,

Indeed! It’s so much better! I did try the translation algorithm but afterwards and I should have done it as step 1 in fact!
Thank you so much for your help! :slight_smile:

1 Like

Unfortunately though the registered t2 to the fMRI is still shifted!

Hrm. I’m not seeing this misalignment on my end? Here is the output I have for the same command run in my earlier comment:


Is there a chance that an older version of the file was opened? (If not, I’d be happy to look into this further!)

Kind regards,

It wasn’t an older version, I was actually using also in addition step2 and 3. Using only step 1 as you suggested doesn’t create that shift!

1 Like

Ahh, good to know! I wonder which step was responsible for the shift… in theory, the latter steps should only be doing fine-tuning, so I’m surprised to see a shift that large! :thinking: