Hello again!
After installing SCT v5.0.0 and trying something else i got this from the terminal
extop@:/aran/testing$ sct_deepseg -i 3D_T1.nii -task seg_sc_t2star
Spinal Cord Toolbox (5.0.0)
Spinal Cord Toolbox (5.0.0)
WARNING: fname_roi has not been specified, then the entire volume is processed.
Loaded 255 axial slices.
/home/extop/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/serialization.py:649: SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'ivadomed.models.Unet' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes.
warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning)
/home/extop/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/serialization.py:649: SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'ivadomed.models.Encoder' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes.
warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning)
/home/extop/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/serialization.py:649: SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'torch.nn.modules.container.ModuleList' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes.
warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning)
/home/extop/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/serialization.py:649: SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'ivadomed.models.DownConv' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes.
warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning)
/home/extop/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/serialization.py:649: SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'torch.nn.modules.conv.Conv2d' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes.
warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning)
/home/extop/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/serialization.py:649: SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'torch.nn.modules.batchnorm.BatchNorm2d' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes.
warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning)
/home/extop/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/serialization.py:649: SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'torch.nn.modules.dropout.Dropout2d' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes.
warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning)
/home/extop/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/serialization.py:649: SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'torch.nn.modules.pooling.MaxPool2d' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes.
warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning)
/home/extop/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/serialization.py:649: SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'ivadomed.models.Decoder' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes.
warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning)
/home/extop/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/serialization.py:649: SourceChangeWarning: source code of class 'ivadomed.models.UpConv' has changed. you can retrieve the original source code by accessing the object's source attribute or set `torch.nn.Module.dump_patches = True` and use the patch tool to revert the changes.
warnings.warn(msg, SourceChangeWarning)
Done! To view results, type:
fsleyes n4_CNS_001_0_3D_T1_MS-P.nii -cm greyscale n4_CNS_001_0_3D_T1_MS-P_seg.nii.gz -cm red -a 70.0 &
The function is able to produce an output, but we found it questionable
Perhaps the task
is wrong, using a T1 but a t2star model? Looking forward to your answer!