Seg and label_seg mismatch

1. A description of the problem: When reviewing the csa.csv output using the whole/cropped T1 as input, we needed some spurious slices being included in the calculations. For example, C1:C2 average used slices 33:60;62:63;65;75:76, rather than 33:60. Upon visual inspection, I noted: (a) spurious voxels in the label_seg away from the spinal cord (seg image); and (b) voxels in the label_seg image adjacent to the cord and also not seg image. I was expecting that the label_seg would be constrained to only include voxels in the seg mask image. This does not happen in all cases and doesnā€™t happen with test case on this forum using the whole brain.

2. Commands and terminal output.
sct_deepseg_sc -i t1_crop.nii -c t1 -brain 1 -centerline cnn;
sct_label_vertebrae -i t1_crop.nii -s t1_crop_seg.nii -c t1;
sct_process_segmentation -i t1_crop_seg.nii -vertfile t1_crop_seg_labeled.nii -vert 1:2 -o my_csa.csv -append 1;

3. System information.
Spinal Cord Toolbox (5.5)
SCT info:

  • version: 5.5
  • path: /Users/dmclaren/sct_5.5
    OS: osx (Darwin-20.6.0-x86_64-i386-64bit)
    CPU cores: Available: 12, Used by ITK functions: 12
    RAM: Total: 16384MB, Used: 10034MB, Available: 5259MB
    Check Python executableā€¦[OK]
    Using bundled python 3.7.11 (default, Jul 27 2021, 07:03:16)
    [Clang 10.0.0 ] at /Users/dmclaren/sct_5.5/python/envs/venv_sct/bin/python
    Check if data are installedā€¦[OK]
    Check if colored is installedā€¦[OK] (1.4.3)
    Check if dipy is installedā€¦[OK] (1.4.1)
    Check if h5py is installedā€¦[OK] (2.10.0)
    Check if Keras (2.3.1) is installedā€¦[OK] (2.3.1)
    Check if ivadomed is installedā€¦[OK] (2.9.2)
    Check if matplotlib is installedā€¦[OK] (3.5.1)
    Check if nibabel is installedā€¦[OK] (3.2.1)
    Check if numpy is installedā€¦[OK] (1.18.5)
    Check if onnxruntime is installedā€¦[OK] (1.7.0)
    Check if pandas is installedā€¦[OK] (1.3.5)
    Check if psutil is installedā€¦[OK] (5.9.0)
    Check if pyqt5 (5.11.3) is installedā€¦[OK] (5.11.3)
    Check if pytest is installedā€¦[OK] (6.2.5)
    Check if pytest-cov is installedā€¦[OK] (3.0.0)
    Check if raven is installedā€¦[OK]
    Check if requests is installedā€¦[OK] (2.27.1)
    Check if requirements-parser is installedā€¦[OK]
    Check if scipy is installedā€¦[OK] (1.7.3)
    Check if scikit-image is installedā€¦[OK] (0.19.1)
    Check if scikit-learn is installedā€¦[OK] (1.0.2)
    Check if tensorflow is installedā€¦[OK] (1.15.5)
    Check if torch (1.5.0) is installedā€¦[OK] (1.5.0)
    Check if torchvision (0.6.0) is installedā€¦[OK] (0.6.0)
    Check if xlwt is installedā€¦[OK] (1.3.0)
    Check if tqdm is installedā€¦[OK] (4.62.3)
    Check if transforms3d is installedā€¦[OK] (0.3.1)
    Check if urllib3 is installedā€¦[OK] (1.26.8)
    Check if pytest_console_scripts is installedā€¦[OK]
    Check if wquantiles is installedā€¦[OK] (0.4)
    Check if spinalcordtoolbox is installedā€¦[OK]
    Check ANTs compatibility with OS ā€¦[OK]
    Check PropSeg compatibility with OS ā€¦[OK]
    Check if figure can be opened with matplotlibā€¦[OK] (Using GUI backend: ā€˜MacOSXā€™)
    Check if figure can be opened with PyQtā€¦[OK]
    Check FSLeyes versionā€¦Command not found
  1. File upload. (Please upload any data or scripts needed to reproduce your issue, if there are any.) ā†’

Hi @Donald_McLaren,

Would you be able to share t1_crop_seg.nii and t1_crop_seg_labeled.nii so I can have a closer look at whatā€™s going on?

I assume there is no issue with privacy as these are binary images (or ā€˜few-classesā€™ image in the case of the seg_labeled image)


Files are attached. Thanks for looking into this issue.
t1_crop_seg.nii.gz (7.0 KB)
t1_crop_seg_labeled.nii.gz (42.1 KB)

Indeed, there are spurious voxels in the labeled segmentation:

Equally problematic is that the labeled segmentation and segmentation donā€™t match, which should not be happening because of this function.

So at this point the only way I can efficiently help is if you could send me the T1w data you used so I can try to reproduce everything you did from scratch and identify the bug.

@Donald_McLaren Thank you for sharing your data,

I was able to reproduce the issue. Fortunately there is a quick fix to it: use the flag -clean-labels 1 in the syntax of sct_label_vertebrae.

When doing this, the output labeled segmentation matches the spinal cord segmentation:

Screen Shot 2022-02-23 at 10.19.38 AM

When running sct_process_segmentation afterwards, the correct slices are selected:

Filename Slice (I->S) VertLevel
/Users/julien/Desktop/spinalcord_seg_testcase/t1_crop_seg.nii 33:62 1:2

Thanks for the instructions. It works as expected.

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Hi @Donald_McLaren,

I just wanted to let you know that SCT v5.6 has just been released, and it contains an update for the default behaviour of -clean-labels.

Thank you again for your participation in the forum! Your feedback has helped improve SCT for future users. :slightly_smiling_face:

Kind regards,

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