I was wondering if there was a way to use SCT to automatically segment the spinal ligaments (especially PLL and ligamentum flavum) from a T2 MRI sequence of the cervical spine in patient with degenerative cervical myelopathy (and hence with significant multi-level spinal cord compression)?
I would greatly appreciate any help/advise regarding how to do this!
Thanks so much.
Dear Amir,
As far as I know, the NeuroPoly lab has not yet trained a specific model to segment spinal ligaments. The closest segmentation models we have are ones that segments nerve rootlets, and one called “totalspineseg”, which segments the vertebrae, intervertebral discs, spinal cord, and spinal canal, with both models available in SCT v6.5. However, I’m not sure if we’ve specifically targeted the ligaments (yet!).
Note that we do have a Project Board that tracks ideas for projects for our lab to take on. We appreciate that you’ve voiced your need for segmenting these structures, as we would be happy to take a closer look as a potential future project. Also, I would be happy to share this forum post with my colleagues, and perhaps they can provide input on how best to move forward with your data. 
Kind regards,
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Dear Joshua,
Just wanted to say a massive thank you for your kind response - super helpful. It would be a greatly helpful feature in future SCT versions.
Thanks again!
All the best,
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