Why it ran wrong in 4.1.1 sct,although it ran well in4.1.0 sct

Dear jcohenadad , last time I used the 4.1.0version . The script ran well, however,I have to used another 4.1.1version in other computer.The same script always shows error.

What is the matter? This is the script.
kc.sh (2.6 KB)

as the error states, your file warp_template2dwi.nii.gz is missing. It has nothing to do with SCT version.

If the file warp_template2dwi.nii.gz is generated automatically by the script?

There was likely some errors while running your script. This line likely crashed:

sct_register_to_template -i ${file_dwi_mean}.nii.gz -s ${file_dwi_seg}.nii.gz -l label_C6.nii.gz -ref subject -c t1 -param step=1,type=seg,algo=centermassrot:step=2,type=im,algo=syn,metric=CC,slicewise=0,smooth=0,iter=3 -qc qc

If it means I should change my code to sct_register_to_template -i ${file_dwi_mean}.nii.gz -s ${file_dwi_seg}.nii.gz -l label_C6.nii.gz -ref subject -c t1 -param step=1,type=seg,algo=centermassrot:step=2,type=im,algo=syn,metric=CC,slicewise=0,smooth=0,iter=3 -qc qc
I will have a try.

No, it does not necessarily mean that. The error could come before. Just check which line failed in your script.

Is this issue solved on your end?

Dear jcohenadad ,thank you .i have finished it.