Negative values with sct_analyze_lesion

Dear @jcohenadad

I have a question about sct_analyze_lesion. I’m trying to use Is the column “length [mm]” for my research but lot of the values I get are negative. Am I doing something wrong?

For example here:

My code is

sct_analyze_lesion -m sub-56027_ses-20180207_t2_sag_cervical_lesionseg.nii.gz -s sub-56027_ses-20180207_t2_sag_cervical_seg.nii.gz -i sub-56027_ses-20180207_t2_sag_cervical.nii.gz -f sub-56027_ses-20180207_t2_sag_cervical_templates

I’ll send you the original files on Email.

Thanks a lot,

Hi @juda,

I confirm there is a bug for the estimation of the lesion length and equivalent diameter. However, the computation of volume should be correct.

I have opened a ticket in our issue tracker. Until this is resolved, I suggest you only rely on the volume estimation.

Thank you for reporting this issue.


Thank you @jcohenadad so much for your answer.
I’ll wait for the next version for the length.


Hi @juda,

I just wanted to let you know that SCT v5.6 has just been released, and it contains a fix for this issue:

Thank you again for your participation in the forum! Your feedback has helped improve SCT for future users. :slightly_smiling_face:

Kind regards,