December 18, 2021, 4:50pm
Dear @jcohenadad
I have a question about sct_analyze_lesion. I’m trying to use Is the column “length [mm]” for my research but lot of the values I get are negative. Am I doing something wrong?
For example here:
My code is
sct_analyze_lesion -m sub-56027_ses-20180207_t2_sag_cervical_lesionseg.nii.gz -s sub-56027_ses-20180207_t2_sag_cervical_seg.nii.gz -i sub-56027_ses-20180207_t2_sag_cervical.nii.gz -f sub-56027_ses-20180207_t2_sag_cervical_templates
I’ll send you the original files on Email.
Thanks a lot,
Hi @juda ,
I confirm there is a bug for the estimation of the lesion length and equivalent diameter. However, the computation of volume should be correct.
I have opened a ticket in our issue tracker . Until this is resolved, I suggest you only rely on the volume estimation.
Thank you for reporting this issue.
December 19, 2021, 6:23am
Thank you @jcohenadad so much for your answer.
I’ll wait for the next version for the length.
Hi @juda ,
I just wanted to let you know that SCT v5.6 has just been released, and it contains a fix for this issue:
Dear SCT users,
We are happy to announce the release of SCT v5.6 .
Notice for Windows users
Starting from version 5.6, WSL and Docker are no longer required to install SCT on Windows!
Please visit the updated Windows installation page of SCT’s documentation to try out this new installation method.
Other notable changes include:
sct_deepseg: Added model for T2w lumbar SC segmentation. View pull request
sct_deepseg: Added new option -list-tasks-long to print…
Thank you again for your participation in the forum! Your feedback has helped improve SCT for future users.
Kind regards,