I would like to compute SNR on my images. They are neonatal Spinal Cord images acquired with dMRI scheme in order to perform DKI on them.
I managed to quantify SNR on average b=0 images resorting to sct_compute_snr
I was wandering whether there is a way to quantify SNR also on other shells different from b=0.
best regards,
Hi @Rosella_Tro,
Yes, you can follow the exact same procedure as described in Snr computation, but select the shell of interest with the flag -vol
However I would not call it ‘pure thermal SNR’ because the signal intensity is now weighted by the diffusion process. I encourage you to read some of the related literature. E.g., https://dipy.org/documentation/1.0.0./examples_built/snr_in_cc/
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