I have a problem with SCT installation (with the new version 5 and also with older versions) using MacOS 10.15.6. It says “Problem creating launchers!”. Do you think there is a problem with python?
Welcome to the forum, and thank you for reporting your issue.
It looks like there may have been a clash with an existing 4.2.2 installation of SCT.
To start fresh, could you please try deleting the existing installation folder (/Users/macpronirims/sct_5.0.0/) and after that try re-running the 5.0.0 installation script?(/Users/macpronirims/Downloads/spinalcordtoolbox-5.0.0/install_sct)
Upon closer inspection, I believe the issue is due to the presence of pyenv on your system.
Normally, SCT would get installed to its own Python version, which is stored inside the “/Users/macpronirims/sct_5.0.0/python” folder. But, I believe pyenv is intercepting this installation, causing SCT to instead be installed to “/Users/macpronirims/.pyenv/versions/3.6.9”.
We are currently looking into a solution to prevent pyenv from interfering. You can track the progress here.
Thank you for your patience as we work to address this!
Thank you for sharing the output; it definitely demonstrates the issue. On my computer, here is what I see:
joshua@XPS-15-9560:~$ which python
joshua@XPS-15-9560:~$ which pip
joshua@XPS-15-9560:~$ source $SCT_DIR/python/etc/profile.d/conda.sh
joshua@XPS-15-9560:~$ conda activate venv_sct
(venv_sct) joshua@XPS-15-9560:~$ which python
(venv_sct) joshua@XPS-15-9560:~$ which pip
The above shows that the python/pip executables should switch from the “pyenv” versions to the ones used by SCT. But, for your system, nothing changes, which is very peculiar.
I’ll continue to look into why this is happening and what we can do about it.
One last note: I notice in this comment of yours that even though the (base) environment looks active, the pyenv Python gets used instead of the (base) conda’s Python. So, it could be beneficial for you to disable the base environment in fresh terminals if you’re not using it, which could help prevent conflicts like this in the future.
Otherwise, I hope you enjoy using SCT! And, feel free to use the forum for any other questions or concerns you may have.